
My 2 cents on my 21 years of teaching, the education world as of now, and ALL the things in between…

What being in education has taught me…words from a previous teacher: I was a classroom teacher for 21 years of my 42 year life. Teaching is my passion. Children are my passion. Education is my passion. Throughout those years I taught 2nd-4th grade at both a Title 1 school and an affluent school. The experiences from both taught me more than I could have ever imagined. It has all taught me more than I could have ever imagined.

I had administrators leave footprints on my heart that I will forever be grateful for. I also was lead by administration that made me feel less than I know I was worth and had a hidden agenda that was kept from me….and truly hurt me to my core.


I had students leave deep grooves in my soul that I will never forget, and students who pushed every button I had and at the end of the day I was grateful.

I also…

I had students who had parents commit suicide, pass away, and abandon them. I had students who had parents that made every excuse for them in the book when they made a mistake/misbehaved/did not receive passing grades/disrespected authority….trying to keep up a facade that their children were perfect and regardless it is the teacher’s fault. I had parents who did everything in their power to be a support to teachers and were advocates for not only their children, but those of us that were doing our best to make an impact in their lives.


The education world has changed an extraordinary amount from 2002 to 2023. There are positives and negatives, glows and needs for improvement. Yet, in the end….even though my intentions were 100% pure, I put forth effort and poured into my students from my heart and soul, I spent hours upon hours because I WANTED to do everything in my power to make my student’s successful, I resigned in May of 2023.

Students have become numbers and data points. Students are looked at through a lens of subpopulations, scores, and whether or not they met growth or not. Some teachers (me being one of them) are micromanaged and spread so thin that they are to the point of burn out. Hard work and dedication is not valued, appreciated, or respected. Some administrators try their best to not put such pressure on those they lead. Yet teachers know what lies ahead…what the state requires…district requires…and campus requires.

Teachers are working overtime to the point of a 7:30-3:45 profession becomes a 7:00-midnight profession.

Something HAS to be done.

Now that I am not in the classroom, and I am doing my part to complete my Masters in Education Administration…My goal is to NEVER forget what being in the classroom is like, entailed, involved. I want to provide resources to make teaching EASIER for teachers. I also want to provide what I can to educate students on SEL lessons and core value characteristics that DON’T have to do with academics.

Teachers need a break. Students need a break. Administrators need a break.

When we were growing up in school….”fluff” was okay. Going outside of the scope and sequence or state standards was okay. Letting students use their creativity and passions to lead discussions, activities, etc. in class was okay. We HAVE to get back to that. Everyone in the education field needs this. Student success and esteem depends on this.

Key point: These are the words from a previous teacher, for sure.

If you get anything from this heartfelt post….PLEASE, please try to see education and the teachers that are pouring into your child’s life as an asset vs. a way you can make excuses, vent about, not appreciate. Please take the time to write a quick note or send an email showing appreciation. Figure out their favorite snack, candy, drink… and send it with your child just to say “We appreciate you.”

If you are an administrator, remember what it was like when you were a classroom teacher. Try not to forget when you were in the trenches putting in hours, money, and time away from your family to uphold the expectations expected of you.

And then…If you are a teacher, take a breath, take some “me” time, and quit spreading yourself so thin that both your students AND your family suffer.

Take a mental health day. JUST because. Take your students outside for a lesson just to get some fresh air.

Know that whether you realize it or not, there are PLENTY of us out there that know….believe….respect….appreciate….and love you.

“What being in education has taught me…words from a previous teacher”


Other blogposts include:

A smile can go a long way: Morning Greetings

Teacher Tip: This is Genius

Kristen Eason