A smile can go a long way: Morning Greetings

Yep. Truth.

The way you start each day for your students means the WORLD to them. 

Most of us just returned this week after having fall break off for a week. While we all know that a BREAK is just that. Every human needs one. 


Sometimes the smile you give a student may be the only time they feel loved or cared for that day. Sometimes the hug or high-five you start their day with may be a time where they feel as though someone is in their corner. Here’s were morning greetings are KEY.


While most of the time holidays bring JOY,

There are also times when holidays bring much sadness to a family. 

The fact that the parents are living check to check….barely making ends meet….and children see the stress firsthand over the holidays.

The loss of a loved one in recent days or even in years past tends to bring out sadness or feelings of loneliness to some during the holidays.

Eating Thanksgiving meal or spending quality time with family may be a reality that a child doesn’t feel as though their family cares much about them.



You could be who that student looked forward to ALL break…just to see your welcoming smile.

So as the holidays come upon us, and another winter break is only weeks away…please remember this. Remember this when you are WORN out because your “break” wasn’t a BREAK at all. When as a teacher, YOU can barely make ends meet. When you already feel behind, and it’s day one of being back on campus.


Stop. Breath. Take the time to let yourself get back in the swing of things.

Give yourself GRACE. SMILE.

Here is an awesome way that teachers at this campus implement morning greetings each day!

Many of us have seen this in pictures or on quick reels on Instagram, but I saw these SUPERSTAR teachers doing it IN person. I also saw each child’s face light up as they were greeted and LOVED on by the adult they spend most of their day with. The students got to choose how he/she wanted to be greeted by their teacher. Whether it be a hug, fist bump, a quick dance, a toe tap, etc. The choice was THEIRS, and they can choose a different one each day if they wanted to.

It’s Creative. It’s Quick. And it works: Grins Immediately!






Here’s to smiling days ahead!


Here is a link to a cute set of Morning Greetings that I found on Pinterest: Morning Greetings

Kristen Eason