This SEL Picture Book Mini Set #1 has
This SEL Picture Book Mini-Set #1 is differentiated and packed full of over 128 pages and 77 engaging activities for Kinder, First, Second, Third, and Fourth grade! Themes of: Friendship, Being Yourself, Growth Mindset, Perseverance, and more are all included!
Here is a description of each of the books and the resources that come with each one:
SEL: The Girl Who Makes a Million Mistakes~ Growth Mindset
This SEL Picture Book Companion teaches MANY social emotional and character education topics that are so critical to children today. The main ones being growth mindset, perseverance, and resilience when making mistakes. This resource includes 39+ pages and 22 differentiated AND engaging activities that come in black and white, colored, and DIGITAL versions.
This heartwarming, fun and educational book is a must-have for all school classrooms, libraries, teachers, librarians and parents!
This SEL: A Girl Who Makes a Million Mistakes: Growth-Mindset resource includes:
Academic pages:
*A summary of the story page.
*Optional Work Packet Cover- 2 versions
*Predicting what the story will be about page.
*Story Concepts- Main Characters, Setting, Problem, Solution, Favorite Part of Book.
*Venn Diagram where student compares him/herself to Millie, the main character.
*Summarizing events in the story
*Text Connections- Text to Self, Text to Text, Text to World
*Character Traits of the main character.
*Theme or Message of the story page
*Character Analysis- How did the main character change from the beginning to the end of the story?
*Self-Reflection questions
Activities, Writing Prompts, and Creativity:
*Roll and Retell Activity (2 versions) and a recording page (OPTIONAL)
*Figurative Language: Onomatopoeia- Create your own sentences with specific examples of onomatopoeia words for each.
*Onomatopoeia BOOK HUNT with answer key provided.
*Sorting activity- Sorting comments that are either growth or fixed mindset.
*Growth mindset vs. Fixed Mindset- Students come up with 3-4 examples of what someone with a growth mindset says or does and what someone with a fixed mindset says or does.
*Who is your cheerleader? (someone who supports you and wants you to do well)- Writing prompt. – 4 templates: blank, big lines for younger kids, lined, and DIGITAL
*Write about a time you have been proud of yourself- Writing prompt. 4 templates: blank, big lines for younger kids, lined, and DIGITAL
*Design your own cover for the book
*3 different coloring pages
Mr. Peabody’s Apples
This SEL picture book companion, by Madonna, is full of SEL concepts: The Power of Your Words, Not to Judge, Empathy, Kindness, and more! This resource has 17+ pages and 12 engaging and differentiated activities and is perfect for back-to-school or anytime your students may need a refresher on being kind to one another and ultimate lesson of “The Power of Your Words.”
It helps students distinguish how to treat one another and to set boundaries within your classroom from Day 1.
The lesson in this book is SO powerful, that it is worth buying this resource even if you don’t have the picture book! You can watch the read aloud version online with your students and hold discussions during or after the book is over.
In many ways, this realistic fiction story offers a beautiful way to open critical conversations regarding feelings, connections (text-to-self, text-to-world), and thinking before you speak.
This story points out that we all hold the power within us to not be a part of unkind behavior that other peers/classmates/people may be participating in.
Discuss what gossip and rumors are by giving examples and having the students come up with examples themselves. Within this resource, students are given the opportunity to come up with a definition in their own words.
This SEL resource includes:
An opportunity for students to analyze and give their own meaning of a quote.
Make real-life connections to discuss/write about.
Recall facts from the story.
Decide whether certain statements are positive (kind) or negative (unkind) for one person to say to another.
Given a chance to explain his/her thoughts of the book.
Brainstorming ways to respond activity. (2) coloring sheets that remind students of the power of their words and to THINK before they speak.
Comes in a printable and digital version.
Be You! by Peter Reynolds
This phenomenal SEL picture book is a MUST for every elementary classroom! With 46+ pages and 21 engaging activities suitable for all grades, it will be one students will remember! We all recognize that every child is born to be uniquely themselves, but we also recognize the call to conform and minimize differences. This book challenges children (and maybe adults too) to embrace the many ways we can all be our best selves. Every child is born to be….to be BRAVE, to be KIND, to be UNDERSTANDING, to be AMAZING. These adjectives are just a few of the many addressed in this book. Pages come in printable black and white, colored, and digital versions.
A multitude of group discussions can be sparked by EACH page! You can use this at the end of the school year to discuss who your students want to be pressing forward, you can use it at the beginning of the year to discuss who they want to be for that year, or you can incorporate this MUST have any time throughout the year!
· This resource includes:
*Unit Cover page for each student
*Adjectives to describe activity
*An end of unit flipbook that is a PERFECT keepsake or would make a great hallway display!
*Theme / Message
*Quote Analysis
*Pages on “Be….”
Ready- short-term and long-term goals
Curious- questions students are curious about
Adventurous- 3 new places they want to travel, and 3 new things they want to try
Connected- Students will draw 4 people they feel connected to and write WHY they feel that way.
Persistent- Fixed and Growth Mindset activity
Different- Students will answer questions and list ways that make them different and unique.
Kind and Understanding- Listing acts of kindness and answering a writing prompt.
Your own thinking- List some great ideas they have!
Okay with Being Alone- Writing Prompt and students will answer what they like to do when they are alone.
Patient- Writing prompt and answer: What are some things you are looking forward to , but may need patience.
Okay reaching out for help- Identifying who will help you in a time of need.
Loved- Coloring sheet
Character traits of themselves page
Design your own book cover
Coloring page
Wordy Birdy:
Could your students benefit from activities and lessons on friendship and loyalty? How about 22 hands-on and differentiated activities with over 25 pages to practice on those concepts plus academic concepts as well? SEL: Wordy Birdy- has the theme of Friendship, Loyalty, and the Importance of Paying Attention. Perfect for elementary students.
This is a quick- no prep activity for you to use with your students. All you need to do is print out the hard copies OR assign the digital activities to your students in Google Classroom, Canvas, or whatever digital platform you choose to use.
This resource includes:
A summary of the story page.
Optional Work Packet Cover
Predicting what the story will be about page.
Story Concepts- Main Characters, Setting, Problem, Solution, Favorite Part of Book.
Summarizing events in the story
Character Traits of the main character.
Character Traits and Text Evidence Chart.
Text Connections- Text to Self, Text to Text, Text to World
Character Analysis- How did the main character change from the beginning to the end of the story?
Problem/Solution page- Students go in depth
Theme or Message of the story
Find the Following page
*Contraction Activity: Level 1 and Level 2 PLUS Digital
Activities, Writing Prompts, and Creativity:
*Let’s Write about YOU- Wordy Birdy talks A LOT! Students now have the opportunity to talk about themselves including: their likes, dislikes, and questions they may have.
*Task cards (2) pages: Task cards that can be used individually, in partners or in small groups. They are conversation question stems. If done any way besides individually, students would each take a turn reading and answering each question.
*Roll and Retell Activity (2 versions with different questions) and a recording page (OPTIONAL)
*Loyalty Activity- Whole Group lesson-a Loyalty label and “Loyalty” cards are provided for students to come up with their own definition of what loyalty is and give examples of when they have been loyal, or someone has been loyal to them. Students will next complete the LOYALTY writing prompt.
*Number 1: Writing prompt- Loyalty: 4 templates: blank, larger lines for younger kids, lined for older kids, and DIGITAL.
*Traits of a good friend sort.
*Design your own cover for the book
*A coloring page.
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