Welcome to The Creative Crumb!
Today I would like to come to you and give you 2 cents from The Bright Cookie… The Importance of Social-Emotional Learning Within the Classroom…
While I know that most teachers are FINALLY out of school and on SUMMER vacation… I am writing to those of you who are already planning for next year.
I want to ask you a favor….
While I know, from experience, how important it is to follow the scope and sequence for you district….and how important it is to follow the rules and guidelines- whether you believe in them or not-of your campus administration…
I CANNOT stress to you enough how important it is to include Social Emotional Lessons within your curriculum.
Teaching is NOT just about academics….
It is about teaching to the WHOLE child and addressing issues that he/she come upon on a day-to-day basis.
Whether it be….
Lack of empathy
A loss
Having a Growth-Mindset
Feelings and how to identify and express them
Classroom Community
Spreading Kindness
Character Traits of a Good Friend
My list could literally go on and on…
I am encouraging you to really focus on the needs of your students OUTSIDE of ACADEMICS and really try to tune yourself into the needs they have as a unique individual dealing with life as a child.
I lost my mom at a VERY young age…. She was 35, and I was 14.
I needed SEL lessons from my teachers. However, that was not the case. It was ALWAYS a rushed lesson due to the expectations of the administration or the school district.
However, …. I am here to tell you.
If ONE teacher had taken the time. JUST ONE teacher…. to have a chit-chat with the class about LIFE. What it brings, what each student MAY go through, how to handle LIFE…. Just Life. Period.
It REALLY could have helped me.
That’s Why….
As I was an elementary teacher for 21 years… I took MY life…MY experiences to heart. I took the time to get to know EACH and EVERY student on an individual basis. If there was a need to incorporate an SEL LESSON, I would do it.
My students were worth it.
Therefore, seriously, take the time
to look at my store and look at the customized lessons we have for a plethora of children’s books. It doesn’t matter what age your students are….EVERY student can benefit because you may not know what is truly going on in his/her life.
I will post some links to some amazing SEL picture book companions below. Please take the time and consider purchasing them and incorporating them into your classroom lessons.
It will do GREAT things. Guaranteed.
Here are some AMAZING examples of resources that you could purchase and implement into your lessons. They are on The Bright Cookie TPT store AND this website. Social Emotional-Learning Within the Classroom is so critical. I truly hope that you take the time to look at the resources that The Bright Cookie has to offer.
Here are the resources available at this time:
Eyes that Kiss in the Corners– Diversity / Self Love
Growth Mindset:
Salt in His Shoes- A story about perseverance and a growth mindset.
The Girl Who Made a Million Mistakes– Growth Mindset, Perseverance, Self-Esteem
The Cool Bean– Kindness and including others.
Jelly Donut Difference– Spreading Kindness
Snippets– Reveals the power of kindness and the beauty of being unique/ Math polygon incorporation as well.
Do Unto Otters– A story about manners and The Golden Rule.
How Full is Your Bucket– A story about self-esteem, kindness, the Golden Rule
The Power of Your Words:
Mr. Peabody’s Apples– A story about the “power of your words” and not spreading rumors or gossip
The Smart Cookie– The power of self-confidence
Self-Acceptance / Accepting Others:
The Good Egg– Self-Acceptance, Accepting Others, it’s okay not to be perfect
The Bad Seed– Your reputation and past doesn’t define you, accepting others for who they are, self-reflection.
I Believe I Can– Believing in AND loving yourself.
Friendship / Problem Solving
I’m Not Just a Scribble– Inclusiveness, Friendship, Belonging, Self-Worth
Enemy Pie– Friendship, Problem-Solving, Bullying, Judgement, Respect
Even Superheroes Have Bad Days– Feelings / Self Control
My Mouth is a Volcano– A story about learning to have self-control with your words and interrupting.
Second Chances:
Being Your Best Self:
Choices / Feelings / Emotions:
My Magical Feelings-Discusses 12 different Feelings. It’s Okay to have feelings; our reaction to them counts!