Holiday SEL Picture Book-Turkey Claus


An engaging way to implement reading with fun holiday activities!


Holiday SEL Picture Book Companion: Turkey Claus by Wendi Silvano


In this holiday SEL picture book: Turkey needs Santa’s help so he won’t be eaten for Christmas dinner!

Turkey is in trouble. Again. He made it through Thanksgiving without becoming a turkey dinner, but now it’s almost Christmas, and guess what’s on the menu? Turkey decides the only thing to do is to ask Santa for help. He sets off for the North Pole, but getting in to see Santa at Christmastime isn’t as easy as Turkey expected. It’s going to take all his ideas – and his clever disguises – to find a way into Santa’s house. After many hilarious attempts, Turkey comes up with the perfect disguise, and Santa has the perfect solution! Now, read the book and complete the FUN activities!


This holiday SEL picture book companion includes the following activities:

(Most are in color AND B/W versions and differentiated options included as well.)

  • A teacher page with explanations, directions, AND extension activity ideas.
  • Story comprehension questions- Color and B/W, answer key provided.
  • A sequencing page, picture cards for story retelling, and a key provided.
  • Coloring page- (images from the story)
  • Main Idea and Detail story map (color and B/W)
  • Creative Writing Prompt- Dear Farmer Jake- includes planning page and (3) different templates for the letter.
  • Creative Writing- If you were Turkey, what would you have disguised yourself as. Art activity with it.

This holiday SEL picture book companion Turkey Claus is used for students in K-5th! Providing perfect conversation starters, differentiated material, independent work, work for partners or small groups, whole group, or in a station!


I hope you enjoy!


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