New Year’s Writing Prompts / Reflections
Not only is this a creative writing prompts / reflection resource, but there are many ways that you can incorporate it into your classroom or even at home with your personal children!
It is good for everyone, both children and adults, to reflect on the past and decide what we want for our future!
This Creative Writing and Reflection Prompts resource includes:
- A traditions page where students write about the different traditions their family and friends do for New Year’s Eve AND New Year’s Day.
- Another CREATIVE writing opportunity where the students are able to make up with their OWN tradition to do on either NYE or NYD.
- A page to reflect on how the student wants the coming year to be DIFFERENT than last year.
- A reflection page on what the student HOPES for in the coming year.
- A GOALS page where the student will write about three goals they will have for the year.
- Next, a RESOLUTION page to illustrate and write about their New Year’s Resolution.
- AND a coloring page!
You could use these pages in stations, in a packet, one day at a time, for early finishers, or as a hallway display! You can even use them at home with your family for GREAT discussion topics around the dinner table!
The following product would be a great prop to incorporate in your classroom as the students are reading their writing out loud to the class. Click on the picture to take you to the affiliate link. It is a GREAT deal! (I have TWO! One for home and one for my classroom.)
KEY Words: New Year, New Year Resolution, New Year’s Resolution, 2024
Creative writing, free resource, coloring, traditions, character education, family discussions, around the dinner table, question stems
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